

Keepers do the work of making sure that the KIBT yield is always at the highest possible rate that is backed by existing bonds in the KUMASwap contract, and that all bonds in the KUMASwap contract can be bought with the circulating KIBT supply. This is done through relying on keepers to call the following functions:

  • `KUMASwap.expireBond()` when a bond held by the `KUMASwap` contract has reached maturity but hasn't been bought. This adds the expired bond id to the set of `_expiredBonds` and sets the `KIBT` accrual rate to 0% (corresponding to a yield of 1e27) until all expired bonds are bought.

  • `KIBT.refreshYield()` when the KIBT rate needs to be updated to reflect that of the bonds held in the `KUMASwap` contract and the central banks bond rates. This can sometimes occur after the central bank oracle rate is updated.

Keeper Incentivization

Keepers can call the refreshYields and expireBonds methods in the KUMAKeeper contract to keep the expired bonds and KIBT yields up-to-date. Through calling these functions when needed, keepers earn rewards and gas reimbursements through ETH stored in the KUMAKeeper contract. The contract obtains gas prices from a real-time Chainlink gas oracle, which that are used to calculate how much Ethereum to reimburse keepers. To avoid unreasonably expensive gas costs, the KUMAKeeper limits gas prices to a maxGasPrice. The KUMADAO sets the maxGasPrice and replenishes Ethereum to the KUMAKeeper contract.

Keeper Failures

Keepers have until the end of the epoch of the expiration of a bond to call _expireBond(). The time a keeper is given to call _expireBond can vary considerably (e.g. if one bond expires near the end of an epoch, but another bond expires near the start of an epoch, keepers will have much less time to call expireBond on the former bond than the latter). The following problems occur if keepers fail to call _expireBond() within the epoch of the bond expiration:

  • If the expired bond doesn't generate a clone bond when it is bought using buyBond, the buyer will have to burn more KIBTokens than if a keeper called _expireBond() on time.

  • If the expired bond generates a clone bond token, the clone bond has a higher principal than it should have.

Last updated